Electromagnetic Wave Theory Kong.pdf
With strong background knowledge, it is relatively easy to understand the contents of this book. However, we recommend this to a researcher in electromagnetism or an electrical engineer or with a basic understanding of electrodynamics. The book contains the fundamental concepts, applications, and analogies of. linear and non-linear studies of electromagnetic fields by methods of theory, experiments, and numerical simulation of the electromagnetic field. The book also includes the basic concepts, applications. of principles for understanding and analyzing problems relating to fundamental physics and engineering topics. Materials of interest for this text include electric and. magnetic materials.
Electromagnetic Wave Theory Kong.pdf
Shen, L. C, and J. A. Kong: Applied Electromagnetics, Brooks-Cole, second edition, 2004 (expanded and revised third edition, 1999) (with chapter on the. K-field propagator) (With Chapter on the Applications of The K-field Propagator) (Editor: L. C. Shen) (Chapter on the Gradient of the Density and the Velocity of a Magnetic Pulse) (Chapter. is about the basic of the electromagnetic wave theory).
Another issue of concern in a wireless communication system is the modification of electromagnetic waves caused by the reflection from an object. Electromagnetic wave propagation and reflection from a conductive object form an. important subject in electrical engineering for electromagnetic measurements and design of a device. The boundary electromagnetic waves are described by the Baxandall. methods introduced in this book.
In this article we give a numerical analysis of. the effect of Ge doping on the helicon mode dispersion properties of OCCP waveguide in an. external magnetic field. We investigate the cutoff frequencies of the main and two higher modes' dispersion characteristics of the p-Ge and p-Si waveguides placed in an external. constant longitudinal magnetic field at several concentrations of two component hole charge carriers. We numerically investigate the main and two higher modes' dispersion characteristics of p-Ge and p-Si waveguides placed in an external. constant longitudinal magnetic field at several concentrations of two component hole charge carriers. We determine that the central frequency of the p-Ge plasma waveguide is higher and its broadbandwidth is larger compared with the analogical p-Si waveguide. We. also numerically investigate the helicon mode cutoff frequencies of the infinitive p-Ge and p-Si plasma at several concentrations of two component hole charge carriers. We compare the cutoff frequencies of the helicon modes propagating in the infinite plasma and in the OCCP waveguides.