Set On
The complexity of the concept has resulted in the proliferation of statistics on disability that are neither comparable nor easy to interpret. Furthermore, disability data are collected for different purposes such as to estimate population prevalence or the need for providing certain services. Each purpose will elicit a different statistic and even when the intention is to measure the same concept, the actual questions used will differ in ways that severely limit comparability. The conclusion is not that some estimates are right and others are wrong, but that they are measuring different things.
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The WG chose to develop questions that would address the issue of whether persons with disability participate to the same extent as persons without disabilities in activities such as education, employment or family/civic life. A major reason for this choice is the pivotal importance of the issue of social participation and equal rights from a policy perspective as illustrated by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1) and the requirements established in the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (2).
To that end, the WG focused on measuring difficulty functioning in six basic, universal actions (capabilities) that, in an unaccommodating environment would place an individual at risk of restricted social participation. The measurement of environmental barriers and participation (e.g. access to education or employment) are extramural; the task then is in data analysis to determine whether persons identified with difficulties or limitations in these basic actions have participation rates equal to those without limitations.
The WG questions were designed to provide comparable data cross-nationally for populations living in a variety of cultures with varying economic resources. While the ideal would be to collect information on all aspects of the disablement process as depicted in the ICF (impairments, activity limitations, participation restrictions and environmental barriers and facilitators) and to identify every person with a disability within every community, this would not be possible given the limited number of questions that can be asked on a national census and in most surveys. The basic actions represented in this set of six questions are those that are most often found to limit an individual and result in participation restrictions. Domains were selected using the criteria of simplicity, brevity, universality and comparability. The information that results from the use of these questions will, a) represent the majority of, but not all, persons with limitation in basic actions, b) represent the most commonly occurring limitations in basic actions, and c) be able to capture persons with similar problems across countries.
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This study aimed to compare the effects of 2 resistance training (RT) programs with different velocity losses (VLs) allowed in each set: 10% (VL10%) versus 30% (VL30%) on neuromuscular performance and hormonal response. Twenty-five young healthy males were randomly assigned into 2 groups: VL10% (n = 12) or VL30% (n = 13). Subjects followed a velocity-based RT program for 8 weeks (2 sessions per week) using only the full-squat (SQ) exercise at 70%-85% 1-repetition maximum (1RM). Repetition velocity was recorded in all training sessions. A 20-m running sprint, countermovement jump (CMJ), 1RM, muscle endurance, and electromyogram (EMG) during SQ exercise and resting hormonal concentrations were assessed before and after the RT program. Both groups showed similar improvements in muscle strength and endurance variables (VL10%: 7.0%-74.8%; VL30%: 4.2%-73.2%). The VL10% resulted in greater percentage increments in CMJ (9.2% vs. 5.4%) and sprint performance (-1.5% vs. 0.4%) than VL30%, despite VL10% performing less than half of the repetitions than VL30% during RT. In addition, only VL10% showed slight increments in EMG variables, whereas no significant changes in resting hormonal concentrations were observed. Therefore, our results suggest that velocity losses in the set as low as 10% are enough to achieve significant improvements in neuromuscular performance, which means greater efficiency during RT. Novelty The VL10% group showed similar or even greater percentage of changes in physical performance compared with VL30%. No significant changes in resting hormonal concentrations were observed for any training group. Curvilinear relationships between percentage VL in the set and changes in strength and CMJ performance were observed.
At any time, only one table in a session can have the IDENTITY_INSERT property set to ON. If a table already has this property set to ON, and a SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON statement is issued for another table, SQL Server returns an error message that states SET IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON and reports the table it is set ON for.
The Finnish telecommunications group plans to launch the network on a SpaceX rocket over the coming months, Luis Maestro Ruiz De Temino, Nokia's principal engineer, told reporters earlier this month at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona.
The aim is to show that terrestrial networks can meet the communications needs for future space missions, Nokia said, adding that its network will allow astronauts to communicate with each other and with mission control, as well as to control the rover remotely and stream real-time video and telemetry data back to Earth.
"If the hardware is ready and validated as it seems to be, there is a good chance they could launch in 2023 as long as their launch partner of choice doesn't have any setbacks or delays," Sag told CNBC via email.
Nokia previously said that its lunar network will "provide critical communication capabilities for many different data transmission applications, including vital command and control functions, remote control of lunar rovers, real-time navigation and streaming of high definition video."
One of the things Nokia is hoping to achieve with its lunar network is finding ice on the moon. Much of the moon's surface is now dry, but recent unmanned missions to the moon have yielded discoveries of ice remnants trapped in sheltered craters around the poles.
"I could see this being used by future expeditions to continue to explore the moon since this really seems like a major test of the capabilities before starting to use it commercially for additional exploration and potential future mining operations," Sag told CNBC.
We'll need more than just internet connectivity, if we're ever to live on the moon. Engineering giant Rolls-Royce, for example, is working on a nuclear reactor to provide power to future lunar inhabitants and explorers.
You can make sets more dynamic and interactive by using them in Set Actions. Set actions let your audience interact directly with a viz or dashboard to control aspects of their analysis. When someone selects marks in the view, set actions can change the values in a set.
In addition to a Set Action, you can also allow users to change the membership of a set by using a filter-like interface known as a Set Control, which makes it easy for you to designate inputs into calculations that drive interactive analysis. For details, see Show a set control in the view.
By default, the set includes the members listed in the dialog box. You can select the option to Exclude these members instead. When you exclude, the set will include all of the members you didn't select.
If the marks you selected represent multiple dimensions, each member of the set will be a combination of those dimensions. You can specify the character that separates the dimension values. To do so, for Separate members by, enter a character of your choice.
As an alternative to showing the set using In/Out mode, you can list the members in the set. Showing the members in the set automatically adds a filter to the view that includes only the members of the set.
To give your audience the ability to quickly modify members of a set, you can also display a Set Control. A set control is a worksheet card that is very similar to a parameter control or filter card. You can add set controls to worksheets and dashboards and they are included when you publish to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, or save to the web on Tableau Public.
Like other cards, set controls have a menu that you can open using the drop-down arrow in the upper right corner of the card. Use this menu to customize the display of the control, which supports both single-value and multiple-value selection modes. For example, you can show radio buttons for individual selection, or a drop-down list that supports multiple selections.
You can combine two sets to compare the members. When you combine sets you create a new set containing either the combination of all members, just the members that exist in both, or members that exist in one set but not the other.
Combining sets allows you to answer complex questions and compare cohorts of your data. For example, to determine the percentage of customers who purchased both last year and this year, you can combine two sets containing the customers from each year and return only the customers that exist in both sets.
To combine two sets, they must be based on the same dimensions. That is, you can combine a set containing the top customers with another set containing the customers that purchased last year. However, you cannot combine the top customers set with a top products set.
Except Shared Members - the combined set will contain all members from the specified set that don't exist in the second set. These options are equivalent to subtracting one set from another. For example, if the first set contains Apples, Oranges, and Pears and the second set contains Pears and Nuts; combining the first set except the shared members would contain just Apples and Oranges. Pears is removed because it exists in the second set. 041b061a72